Behold I Make All Things New

“And he who was seated on the throne said, “Behold, I am making all things new.” Also he said, “Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.” (Rev., 21:5, ESV).

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One of our favorite past times as a family is to visit the Botanical Gardens near our home in the Chicago suburbs. It is a huge space of grounds that covers many acres of forest preserve land, complete with a variety of gardens, wooded trails and greenhouses. As teachers (or former teachers!) we are always took advantage of free entry with our ID, and it has been a great place to take our autistic son whenever he needed a motor break or just needed to be outside. 

This year, we had a much different experience, as the Gardens hosted a new light show called Lightscape which unlike previous years where they had just stung up a variety of holiday lights, this was essentially a giant light show through the entire grounds, including whole displays timed to music, lighted shapes and designs placed along the walkways and trails, and even a light “cathedral” which featured hundreds of strings of lights that covered a long open gazebo.

We were excited to bring our son since it was something totally new, and we knew how much he loved both the outdoors but also music and lights. As we entered the grounds on a chilly Thursday evening, we were struck by how sophisticated and lovely the show was, and our son was so entranced by all of the sensory experiences that he continually produced a giant smile on his face. The best part was when he stood mesmerized at a fiber optics display that was set up along the rocks of an outdoor fountain, just standing and watching the lights flow down the rocks like water.

In that moment, I was reminded by how unique and special this light display had made an otherwise regular feature in the garden that my son would have seen hundreds of times before. It was the same, but different, it had been recreated, transformed and essentially made “new” right before my son’s eyes. 

This experience reminded me of some powerful lessons this holiday season. While we always come back to the birth of Christ at Christmas as our source for eternal hope, I find it all too easy to get lost in the craziness of the celebrations.

This year, I was forced to look at this season in a new light, as my wife and me began the unfortunate process of divorce in November. I personally struggled to find hope when all I could feel was my own personal pain, suffering and anger, but a visit to one of my favorite places helped to lighten my mood. But it did more than that, as I watched my son’s amazement at the incredible light show that had changed a very familiar location into something completely new and different. It had become changed in ways I couldn’t have expected, and I was brought back to a place of peace and remembering the promise we have in our lives being reborn. It is in moments such as this that I am reminded of the promise that He will literally remake everything, and all we must do is to show up, be aware, and behold the goodness of His promises.

Written by John Felageller

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John lives in Northbrook, IL and is currently a Social Programs Manager at Total Link 2 Community in Chicago, IL.  He is a regular contributor to Key Ministry’s Special Needs Family blog, and is both a live presenter and on Key Ministry’s Facebook page. He coordinates a Special Needs Dads meet-up in his community and works with several other local Special Needs organizations that serve both parents and children.

Connect with John on his Facebook page here.

John Felageller

John lives in Northbrook, IL with his wife Elizabeth and his son Christopher (ASD), and is currently an Elementary Teacher at a Charter School in Chicago, IL. He is a regular contributor to Key Ministry’s Special Needs Family blog, and is both a live presenter and on Key Ministry’s Facebook page. He coordinates a Special Needs Dads meet-up in his community and works with several other local Special Needs organizations that serve both parents and children.

Connect with John on his Facebook page here.


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