Parents of kids with Special Needs – YOU ARE AMAZING!

I was walking up the driveway pondering some of the parents of kids with special needs we know and marveling at the common traits they have and how exceptional they are. I think parents of kids with special needs are some of the most wonderful, amazing people I have ever met.

Here are 5 reason why:

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  1. They have their priorities straight. So much of America’s population, even Christian, Bible-believing, church going population is about achievement, looking good, having fun, wearing the right brand of clothing, being cool and keeping up with the Jones’. If you can’t do that or don’t care to do that, you kind of disappear from being accepted and included.

    As a group, the special needs parents I have met have learned that relationships, loving other and being there for each other in hard times matter more than anything else next to clinging to God. Yes, they love a good night at the movies and wouldn’t turn down a trip to Dollywood. After-all, Dollywood has a sensory room for when junior hits meltdown, which can make the trip a possibility.

  2. They have learned to face difficulties. Challenges have become a way of life. Parents of kids with special needs are the strongest, most determined, loving, ferocious (mama bear, anyone?) group of people I’ve ever met. Daily life is difficult to say the least. Some seasons require just living through the next minute or hour, forget planning for tomorrow, next week or next year. They are masters at flexibility and changing plans as navigating around obstacles has become second nature.

  3. They see value and worth where others see inability and hardship. While looking in from the outside, others see children or people who can’t walk, can’t talk, look different, are challenging, need help, take resources. Parents of kids with special needs see the most treasured people in their life who give unconditional love, bring joy, work harder than anyone to succeed at the simplest of tasks, get delight from simple things that others easily overlook, and a myriad of other qualities. Just talk to a parent of and adult child with special needs and you’ll likely hear how their child with special needs has blessed them more than they ever anticipated.

  4. They never give up. Yes, they get weary – very weary. They may want to quit – for a day in order to nap and rejuvenate. They may want things to be easier, but when it doesn’t get easier, they still don’t give up. This is their child, whom they love dearly. Spouses may walk out. Parents and in-laws may criticize and belittle. Friends may desert them. But, they never quit on their child. They do what is within their power and resources to help and love that child to the best of their abilities.

  5. They turn hardship into blessing for others. It may take a few years because those early years they are just barely surviving, and they may go back to survival mode here and there as their kids get older and hit different challenges. But, once they get the hang of things, they start helping other parents of kids with special needs. I’ve met a mom who started an entire company of patented weighted blankets that started because of her daughter’s special needs, and my son has benefitted from her blankets. I’ve met a mom who started a nonprofit helping others learn how to rest and rejuvenate in the midst of great pressures, duties and stresses because of her own journey as a mom of multiple kids with special needs. I’ve met many parents of kids with special needs who write and speak to encourage and equip other parents and to church ministry leaders to help them be able to reach out and help more families. I could go on and on about the incredible things parents have done to help others.

That’s my husband’s and my story too. Both of our backgrounds are in counseling. We were missionaries and he was doing trauma healing work in a refugee camp in South Sudan when he saw the correlation between the trauma and questions the refugees were struggling with and the challenges he and I had experienced as parents of a child with special needs. When he got home to the States, he shared with me and as we talked to other parents the need was obvious. We couldn’t find an organization that was addressing it, so a few years later we started Hope Anew.

Moms and dads of exceptional kiddos, we applaud you and we think you are amazing. I know most days you struggle to make it from morning to night and some of you struggle to make it through the night too. I know you are barely hanging on sometimes. I know your heart wrenches as you watch your child struggle daily with the simplest of things. I know your heart weeps when you can’t provide something that will help your child. I know your heart leaps and sings when they conquer a task they’ve worked at for years. I know it’s a tough road. But I also know you have risen to the challenge and are making all the difference in the world for your child. Thanks for being an amazing parent.

You are our heroes!

Written by Sarah McGuire


Sarah McGuire  is the Mom of two boys and co-founder of Hope Anew, a nonprofit that guides parents to Christ-centered hope and healing. You can follow Hope Anew on Facebook here. You can also check out Hope Anew’s Online Community here!

 Due to COVID-19, Hope Anew is waiving all membership fees for the community!

Sarah McGuire

Sarah McGuire is the Mom of two boys and co-founder of Hope Anew, a nonprofit that comes alongside the parents of children impacted by disability on a spiritual and emotional level. You can follow Hope Anew on Facebook here.


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