One Simple Question That Can Change Your Life…and the lives of those around you!

Last week I shared that my theme word for 2021 is thankful and to help me toward that goal, I’m listing 3 things I’m thankful for each day. That is one step. But it’s not just a “list 3 things and move on with the day”, checkmark, goal accomplished. Done.

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No, in making thankfulness a habit and cultivating a heart attitude of gratitude it is my goal that the act of starting my day with thoughts of thankfulness will then help thankfulness carry on into my day with choosing thankfulness in situations that would otherwise cause irritation, annoyance, depression, discontent, or hopelessness.

Our family is currently living in an RV and touring the country for 10 months while we work and school fulltime. Yes, it’s pretty incredible. But it also means we are sharing one bathroom. One morning last week, I needed to do my hair and plugged in the curling iron to warm, but since my kids hadn’t gotten up and been through the bathroom yet I thought I’d give them a chance before I started on my hair. I have a lot of hair and it’s a 30-minute process. I got them moving and started working on breakfast in the kitchen while waiting for them to quickly use the restroom and vacate it.

 The next thing I knew, one of my sons was showering. He doesn’t normally shower in the morning and I hadn’t expected or anticipated that. He’s also not quick about showing, so my day and planned schedule was now delayed by 30 minutes. My immediate reaction was irritation, annoyance, and criticalness about his thoughtlessness.

 After ascertaining that he had turned off my curling iron and the RV was not about to catch fire from his setting clothes on a hot iron, I recognized my negative emotional state and direction of my thoughts. I asked myself, “What can I be thankful for in this situation?” Immediately I thought of how thankful I am that I have a son who desires to be clean and takes responsibility for his personal cleanliness AND that I don’t have to push, fight, or cajole him into it! What a blessing he is! How proud I am of him!

One simple question to myself and wow, what a change in thoughts and emotions! And, what a different mom that kid had when he got out of the bathroom than if I hadn’t asked myself that question. I know I want to be the second mom and not the first mom on a regular basis and that’s the mom and wife my family wants too. It’s also the daughter my Father will be more pleased with because that’s who He has designed and enabled me to be. Yet, it all came from a simple question and changing my focus.

Who do you want to be? What characteristics do you want to cultivate in your life? Is thankfulness a challenge for you like it is for me? If you haven’t already, we’d love to have you join the Hope Anew Online Community and take part in the January Thankfulness Challenge!


Sarah McGuire  is the Mom of two boys and co-founder of Hope Anew, a nonprofit that guides parents to Christ-centered hope and healing. You can follow Hope Anew on Facebook here. You can also check out Hope Anew’s Online Community here!

Due to COVID-19, Hope Anew is waiving all membership fees for the community!

Sarah McGuire

Sarah McGuire is the Mom of two boys and co-founder of Hope Anew, a nonprofit that comes alongside the parents of children impacted by disability on a spiritual and emotional level. You can follow Hope Anew on Facebook here.


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Thoughts For This New Year